A to tak siłą rozpędu. WiP fotki mojego projektu, zastanawiam się nad dodaniem szkielecika na podstawce, tak żeby kapłan spoglądał na niego z konika. Jakość odlewu beznadziejna, przesunięcia formy na twarzy zmusiły mnie do pomalowania go jako bliznowatego, a rzeźba kolczugi jest miejscami bardzo nieostra.
Skończone są szaty, panele na naramiennikach, kolczuga i głowa.Podstawka nie jest skończona, dojdzie jeszcze trawka, śnieg, może ten szkielet i pigmenty
And here is that WiP monk ive mentioned in previous post. I'm thinking about adding some dead skeleton on his base to make feel that he look at him from the horseback. Cast was awful, mislocated mould on his head forced me to paint him as if he had scars over his face (i hope ive done it properly
Finished areas - face, red clothes, chapel panels as shoulderpads , and chainmail , rest is not painted yet. Base will recive some treatment too (skeleton, grass tufts and sand, maybe some more pigments too)
Skończone są szaty, panele na naramiennikach, kolczuga i głowa.Podstawka nie jest skończona, dojdzie jeszcze trawka, śnieg, może ten szkielet i pigmenty
And here is that WiP monk ive mentioned in previous post. I'm thinking about adding some dead skeleton on his base to make feel that he look at him from the horseback. Cast was awful, mislocated mould on his head forced me to paint him as if he had scars over his face (i hope ive done it properly
Finished areas - face, red clothes, chapel panels as shoulderpads , and chainmail , rest is not painted yet. Base will recive some treatment too (skeleton, grass tufts and sand, maybe some more pigments too)
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